Friday, June 1, 2012

Clint Eastwood's daughter burns $100k Birkin bag... for the hell of it

I was horrified and disturbed when I came across these pix. That's NOT how you treat a CROC Birkin bag :s

Francesca Eastwood the 18 year old daughter of legendary movie star Clint Eastwood, and her boyfriend decided get in touch with their artistic side by burnning a $100k crocodile Hermes Birkin bag.
Francesca  first used a chainsaw to destroy the bag, moving on to biting, burning and posing next to it, all in the name of art!
With all due respect, this is far from art. It only shows how self indulgent, spoiled, stand offish, and stupid they actually are! 
Fame whore alert! 
Francesca actually got what she wanted, her name is plastered all over the internet and magazines, considering how crazy she and her boyfriend, Tyler Shields, who was actually behind the crazy idea! The loathsome pair are actually getting nothing but bad press and death threats to that matter! In my opinion, they deserve all the disdain they are getting!

It's not the first time the useless brat did something like that. Back in January she actually burned a pair of $10,000 Louboutins! I can't quite comprehend the artistic side of burning expensive items!

This is the result of self indulgent brats attempting to create "art"!! 
Because creating actual art is too mainstream eh?



Fafa Lane said...

what the hell????!! she should just do sumthng else that's better than this. what an idiot.


Islamic Inspirations said...

what a waste of money could have helped so many poor humans around the globe.
Invite her to ireminisces and she may learn something.

! the Fleurs said...

OMG! I would never do that!! That´s crazy :D

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