Sunday, July 17, 2011

Kim kardashian's new Belle Noel acc

I got these two amazing earrings from Kim's new Belle Noel line..

More pix from the line coming soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You know I love her style but after I saw that hair/necklace product I got disappointed but these earrings you got are pretty cool ;) mlboos il3afya

  2. I like these earrings, very cute! I am writing my blog, searching the net for information on Reality Tv Shows, and watching Alpha and Omega online all at the same time with my employee DISHONLINE.COM access. This is available FREE to everyone with their subscription to DISH Network. For more information on how your subscription stacks up to DISH Network travel over to

  3. Habibti allah y3afeach <3
    I personally liked the hair piece at first I wasn't sure about it but I quite like it now =)


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